Is Ibiza Safe? Crime Statistics & Tips On How To Stay Safe


Ibiza gets over 3 million tourists every year, which is 4% of all the tourists holidaying in Spain. Ibiza is a prime location for clubbers, but it also attracts different kinds of tourists. Couples and families also come to enjoy the beach, trekking, spa and wellness and more. However is Ibiza safe and are there any places to avoid. To give you an overview:

Spain is the 6th safest country in Europe, but there is 45% more crime in the Balearic islands which includes Ibiza. Clubbing areas in Ibiza have higher rates of crime than the rest of Ibiza, especially Sant Antoni de Portmany and Platja d’en Bossa. However none of Ibiza’s cities and towns are in the top list of the most dangerous cities in Spain.

Now I shall delve into some more detailed information and tips on how to keep safe in Ibiza.

Cala San Vincente, Ibiza
Cala San Vicente photo by Michael Tomlinson on Unsplash

Crime Rate in Ibiza


Overall Spain has 46.7 offences per 1,000 inhabitants whereas the Balearic islands have 67.5 offences per 1,000 inhabitants. This translates to the Balearic islands having a 45% higher crime rate than the national average in Spain.

In the first half of 2022, crime rates in Ibiza increased by 36.7%. A total of 4,887 crimes got recorded compared to the same time in 2021. The crimes range from robberies, theft, car theft, corruption and bribery, drug trafficking and sex crimes.

It is important to keep in mind that for 2 years tourism took a hit which reflected lower crime rates for a while. Hence the lower and higher crime rates that are registered work in tandem with the decrease or increase in tourists.

Car Theft

For those thinking of renting a car, vehicle thefts grew 65% to 147 thefts in in the first half of 2022 compared to 2021. The southern island of Formentera, which is also considered part of Ibiza, had an increase of 13% with 17 car thefts.

Other Crimes

In the first half of 2022 drug trafficking offences went up 56% to 92 criminal offences in Ibiza and 3 in Formentera. Burglaries went up 15% to 135 cases and sex crimes went up 16% from 43 to 50. 5 sex crimes were rape cases.

Good News

After all that, it is good to keep things in perspective; Spain ranks as the sixth safest country in Europe in a 2022 Forbes Report. This means that although the Balearic islands including Ibiza have higher crime rates, it is still relatively safer than many other destinations in Europe.

Spain’s Most Dangerous Cities are not in Ibiza

Ibiza has some areas that have more crime than the rest. However none of Ibiza’s cities and towns are Spain’s most dangerous cities. Here are the cities that make the top list:

  1. Bilbao
  2. Barcelona
  3. Palma de Mallorca
  4. Seville
  5. Madrid
  6. Alicante
  7. Valencia
  8. Malaga
  9. San Sebastian

So although the Balearic islands have a higher crime rate overall, there are other crime laden hotspots elsewhere in Spain. Below is the Current Crime Index in Europe by City where the redder dots are areas with more crime.

Current crime index in Europe by city

Additionally even though Palma de Mallorca is 3rd on the list, “Palma has never been an excessively challenging city” according to the chief inspector of the National Police’s robberies squad of Palma.

Areas In Ibiza With Higher Crime

Ibiza club locations

It should come to no surprise that a good portion of criminals operate in areas where there is the party scene. Especially when it comes to drug trafficking, sexual offenses and theft.

There are clubs all over the island, but they are mostly on the central to southern part of Ibiza as you can see from the map. As a result most crime is perpetrated there. The map shows the top club and super club locations in Ibiza, one dot could represent one or more clubs.

The areas that have the most clubs are around Sant Antoni de Portmany, Platja d’en Bossa, San Rafael and Ibiza Town. Sant Antoni de Portmany and Platja d’en Bossa in particular tend to have the most crime. If you want to get away from the clubs and go to safer areas, here is how to avoid the party scene in Ibiza.

Is Ibiza Safe to Walk Around?

Most feel safe to walk around Ibiza by day according to Numbeo. However like in most countries people feel moderately safe at night. To avoid being a target for thieves at any time of day, you should avoid wearing any valuables so as not to attract unwanted attention.

A case in point – a tourist had his €20,000 Rolex violently stolen off his wrist in Platja d’en Bossa. The thief pushed the man and snatched the watch at 10am on a Sunday morning. Not surprisingly it happened in one of the higher crime areas.

However, Ibiza is mostly safe and not dangerous. I had many friends go to Ibiza in our clubbing days and they did not experience any crime. So overall Ibiza is safe, but you need to take precautions.

Tips on How to Stay Safe

  • Do not carry valuable items with you unless necessary and make use of a safe
  • Keep a degree of personal space and avoid people on the street that look like they are going to bump into you
  • Do not leave valuable in a car
  • Spread your valuables in different pockets
  • Do not take too much cash out with you
  • Make a copy of your passport, just in case it gets stolen
  • Make sure you keep your bags in your hand or in your sights at all times
  • Use bags with zips
  • Only use legal and licensed taxis

Mosquito Borne Diseases in Ibiza

Most mosquitoes in Ibiza inflict an itchy irritating bite that will subside given some time. A minority of people may experience allergies when bitten, which will require advice from a doctor.

One thing to note is that Ibiza has had a limited outbreak of Dengue Fever. Unfortunately 6 German tourists got affected by this disease in 2022. Dengue has an overall fatality rate of 1%, but is higher in young children, older adults, and individuals with pre-existing medical conditions.

The risk of contracting dengue in Ibiza is low and highly unlikely, but authorities have nonetheless issued a warning. Moreover the Spanish are tackling the issue in a number of ways to control and remove the threat.

Dengue fever is spread by the Asian Tiger mosquito which is particularly persistent. It doesn’t respond to standard mosquito repellents using picaridin, or oil of lemon eucalyptus that are effective with most other mosquitoes.

Hence to keep all mosquitoes at bay, including the Asian Tiger, you need to use a repellent with a high amount of DEET. This repellent provides protection for up to 6 hours, but is not recommended for children under 12 years old.

For more advice and information please check out the article on mosquitoes in Ibiza.

Dangerous Jellyfish

Most of the common jellyfish species in Ibiza either do not sting or have a mild sting. A minority of people can have adverse allergic reactions to them, but for most they only causes mild skin irritation.

Having After Bite readily available is advisable for treating these types of stings and insect bites. After Bite is effective in alleviating common jellyfish stings and comes in a small, portable bottle for convenience. It’s a popular addition to any first aid kit, offering relief from both jellyfish stings and insect bites.

However there are some species of jellyfish that have a more potent sting. The Mauve Stinger is one such species that has a painful sting that could take weeks to recover from.

Additionally one invasive species called the Portuguese Man o’ War can be dangerous and potentially fatal. It is the only species to have caused deaths by jellyfish in the Mediterranean.

Most people experience excruciating pain with a sting from this creature, but survive their encounter. The good news is that this species is rare in this region, but due to changing environmental conditional, more have turned up on Ibiza’s shores.

Authorities have in the last few years mitigated the impact of this species. As a result, most will enjoy their time at the beach without having to concern themselves about this potential threat.

However authorities do issue notifications of beach closures if there are many Portuguese Man o’War for public safety. It’s important to keep up to date with what is going on by checking the news.

For further information about different species of jellyfish in Ibiza, how to avoid them with live information on the best bays and treatments please refer to the article on jellyfish in Ibiza.

Are Ibiza Taxis Safe?

Most taxis have a license to operate and are safe and reliable, but some operate illegally and are unsafe. Legal taxis have an SP for ‘Servicio Publico’ on the license plate at the back and are regulated by the Balearic Government. Illegal taxis on the other hand do not have a license, the drivers are shady and the cars are in mediocre condition at best.

You may think it is no big deal, but there is very good reason why it is important you check the license plate before getting into the vehicle. Some tourists, especially those that rent holiday villas that have used illegal taxis, end up getting robbed or experience attempted break-ins.

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